Category: Uncategorized

  • Genetically Engineered and Mutant Mice (TM)

    I was in Cushla’s lab briefly this afternoon and came across a catalog from Jax for mice. Apparently there are enough different strains of mutant mice to fill a 500 page catalog. What I found even more disturbing is that they had trademarked the phrase “Genetically Engineered and Mutant Mice”, although I see that it…

  • Madame Butterfly

    We went to the Royal New Zealand Ballet’s production of Madame Butterfly last night. In the true spirit of ballet it is impossible to follow the story without actually knowing it beforehand, but the production was spectacular. I think Dracula appealed to me more, but Madame Butterfly was a slicker production with far better use…

  • Coding

    After a pseudo-break from real coding I’ve settled back into this computer thing. Spent last night chasing gnome-games bugs, I had a bit of success which is quite satisfying after having let the bugs build up again. I’ve also been given a hint about a gnometris crasher bug: the wonderful difference between 0 and NULL…

  • Weddings and Buildings

    It’s been a few days since I said anything. Quite possibly this means I have nothing to say. Or maybe Cushla won’t let me say them. Who knows. Things I can say: We have set the date for our wedding, it will be on the 16th of January 2005. We have a celebrant organised and…

  • Splitting up gnome-games

    I have split out a separate gnome-games-extra-data package. I have left a minimal number of themes in the main package (the default plus one more theme for each themable game). The result is that the main gnome-games package is three megabytes lighter. Of course there is also an additional three megabyte download if you want…

  • dnd-list 1.1

    Thanks to a contribution from Lars Wirzenius there is now a new version of dnd-list. dnd-list is a simple utility to determine what drag targets a drag-and-drop application provides. The changes are all in the UI: the window is slightly larger and there is also a button to clear the results window.

  • Parrots

    This afternoon I went for a walk in the botanical gardens and found myself up at the aviary. The aviary here has a lot of parrots, including several species which can talk. It was a rainy afternoon and I was the only person there so I had the undivided attention of half a dozen parrots…

  • How many parties in a fascist state ?

    Jeff dude, I know what point you were trying to make when you repeated the phrase “only one political party ahead of a fascist state” but at the time of the rise of the best known fascist state there were tens of parties competing (e.g. 28 parties competing in the 1930 German elections). I think…

  • Memoirs of an alien working for the US government

    Over the weekend I saw both Fahrenheith 9/11 and The Corporation, now I read jdub’s comments about his impressions as an Australian new to the United States. These brought back to mind my impressions as a New Zealander who spent two years living in the States. Gaithersburg, MD to be specific. I went on my…

  • Glass Catfish

    We went down to the local pet shop today looking for more fish. Cushla wants me to get some glass catfish. They are beautiful creatures, if you can count transparent fish with their skeletons showing as beautiful, maybe fascinating is a better word. My problem with them is that after my experience with the gourami…