Category: Uncategorized

  • LCA06 Flashback

    Jeff probably hoped I’d forgotten about this. One of the “events” at LCA this year was a charity dismemberment. In Jeff’s case his pony-tail was cut off with a blunt knife. OK, so it was the pony-tail and a bit more, but as you can see it was necessary.

  • GNOME Sucks/Rocks

    Glynn has set up a “GNOME Wall” at LCA for people to say what sucks or rocks about GNOME (or just to give suggestions on). It started a little slowly, so I accosted various people and wrote down whatever interesting things they said to try and “seed” the wall. The conversations where enlightening. When you…

  • Not Blogging Live From

    My talk went just fine until about halfway through when I made some comments about Cairo’s inadequacies. Then there was a question from the back querying these statements. At this point I had to decide how to respond: do I assume it is just some random zealot who has heard that Cairo is quick and…

  • dnd-list 1.2

    Sometime in 2004 I made a simple utility to determine drag and drop types. Every now and again someone finds it useful. I have ignored it for the entirety of 2005 despite a very useful patch from Christian Persch that arrived back in May. Finally, I have taken another look at it. This is embarrassing.…

  • Spammers – still stupid

    I knew it was going to happen one day, one of those made-up names that spammers use was actually going to give the name of someone I know. Well, almost: I think she’s been double-barrelling her name since she married and I’m pretty certain she has never used the full version of her first name,…

  • This is neat A desktop in your browser window. It has a built-in web browser and minesweeper game. That means it is only a solitaire game away from being a serious desktop.

  • Gnome-Games News

    Tomorrow I head down south for Christmas where I will have broadband access again. In the meantime, some bullet-points about what has happened with gnome-games over the past week or so: Damien Laniel has finished the titanic task of translating the Aisleriot documentation into French. He fixed several mistakes in the English version along the…

  • Nimby is Dead

    One of our two cats, Nimby, died of leukemia the night before last. She had been going downhill for several weeks. Working and living a thousand kilometers from home isn’t easy and this sort of thing makes it harder.

  • The new job

    I’ve been at IRL for about a week and a half now. While the stuff I’m doing is quite enjoyable various things are worrying me about the work environment. To illustrate my point, a timeline: A few days before starting – it is announced that the two out-lying research arms of the company are to…

  • First Day at the New Job

    I have survived my first day at IRL. Admittedly most of it was indoctrination which makes survival, if not preserving ones sanity, simpler. The really worrying part is discovering just how many secrets my predecessor took to his grave.