Category: Uncategorized

  • Been a while

    I haven’t posted much here in a while. So a brief summary of what has happened since then: The renovations look like they might actually be happening, sometime in the next few weeks too. The house next door has come up for sale. We’d really like to buy it for all sorts of reasons. Unfortunately…

  • Optimization Section Update

    After a long time ignoring the optimization section I created on the GNOME developer website I have finally put up the introductory document I have been trying to write for four months now. Comments and criticism are welcome, while I am generally happy with it I’m not certain it’s quite the right approach.

  • My Wedding

    A month ago I got married. I still haven’t sorted out all the photos, but here is one for your enjoyment. My Father took it during the cermony.

  • So That’s What Happened

    I have been informed that my Warty Live CD issue is the result of some strange filesystem overlay module that had been developed for knoppix/morphix. I have also been informed that the Hoary Live CD does this in a more sane and normal manner. Or, to quote jdub: “broken non-lkml-happy kernel module fucks with normal…

  • Bugs that really bite

    It’s that part of the release cycle again: time to fix up all the bugs that, through negligence or incompetence, I didn’t fix back when they were filed. Two nights ago this process got me to bug 164986. Gnobots was crashing, nothing unusual there, except this was GNOME 2.8 and the usual suspects are all…

  • I’m Back

    Wedding went just fine. Honeymoon fantastically relaxing and pleasant. Seven days worth of email to catch up on – oops. The wedding turned out very well: The weather became sunny an hour beforehand. There were no serious incidents. The wedding photographer only mentioned his exhibition of fetish photography once. The traditional wedding crap was kept…

  • Marriage

    The big day is tomorrow. In less than twenty-four hours I will be married. At this late stage I don’t think that I’m capable of throwing any more words together without them coming out as gibberish. I will see you all after the honeymoon.

  • gnome-games 2.9.4

    It finally got out the door last night after some headaches trying to get it to compile cleanly both with and without gob installed. It is feature complete and pretty much what I wanted for 2.10. Same GNOME doesn’t have all the new toys I had wanted to put in the rewrite, but time has…

  • The Same GNOME Rewrite

    I have just released gnome-games 2.9.3. This contains the long-promised same-gnome rewrite. Unfortunately it is not complete, but it is enough to give a firm flavour for my plans. I decided it was better to release now and get some feedback before the feature freeze rather than wait for 2.9.4. The game is playable, and,…

  • SCO Kills Babies

    I was transfering a pile of data off an old hard disk this weekend when I noticed this screenshot from August 2003: Google News had, somewhat inadvisably, picked up this Slashdot article at a time when this comment was at the top (which was plagiarised from BBspot). For some reason rather than using the slashdot…