Category: Uncategorized

  • I am Bourgeois Capitalist Scum

    We are now the not-entirely-proud owners of 158 Pine Hill Road. This is in addition to 156 Pine Hill Road which we already own. We also owe a lot of money. The whole process has taken some time and last I wrote about it we had dropped our offer and said take it or leave…

  • Cats

    If there are any bugs in the glines code I uploaded last night it is because this is what was perched on my shoulders during testing: It is our new kitten, Provisional Nimby. She replaces Bandit, who we found run over on Friday night. Normally we wouldn’t have rushed out the next day to get…

  • 8 + 0 = 0

    Especially if bit 3 if shorted to ground. Some arithmetical errors can be solved with a knife.

  • Patches and Desktops

    Last night saw a dozen patches hit CVS. Tonight will see several more. Most of this is Dennis Cranston’s massive pile of patches to make the dialogs in gnome-games have pixel-perfect HIG compliance. The results are quite, quite, nice. There should also be work from Marco Colombo to give Five or More multiple difficulty levels.…

  • Three Card Klondike

    Back in the dark ages Aisleriot used to support three card deals in Klondike. In fact, it always has – there just hasn’t been any UI for it since the days of GNOME 1.x. This has all been fixed in gnome-games CVS. In fact, any Aisleriot game that has options is now supported. The code…

  • Anorexia

    Last weekend the local paper published a story on a local woman, and a contemporary of my wife’s, who had died of anorexia after a long time undergoing what passes for treatment in this neck of the woods. The negative attitude of the story greatly upset Cushla – she had suffered for just as long,…

  • The Second House

    Our attempts to become rampant capitalists slum lords seem to be on hold for the moment. For most of the last month we have been negotiating with the owners of the neighbouring house to try and buy it. It looked like everything was getting close two weeks ago, we had hit pretty much our maximum…

  • All Software Sucks

    OK, maybe not all software, but certainly every bit of EDA and CAM software I have used in the past two months. CircuitCAM is the most recent disaster – it takes the output of a PCB design program and converts it into something our milling machine can use. i.e. it takes an outline of a…

  • Cheap Bugs

    One of the things I really like about a new development cycle is I can go through bugzilla and fix a whole pile of trivial, but too trivial to break freeze, bugs. Closing seven bugs as “Fixed” in one night feels good. Even if it is cheating. This also includes patches that were just waiting…

  • Job Hunting

    I have decided not to stay in academia once my current contract runs out. This is still nine months away, but it is complicated by the need to stay in the Dunedin area. So I have to start looking now. Revising my CV has been interesting; there are a lot of things I can put…